If you are in danger or need immediate assistance, call or text 911.
Domestic violence, also called intimate partner violence, is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological and includes tactics such as intimidation, isolation, manipulation, and threats to inflict harm.
The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office is a national leader on domestic violence legislation, sponsoring Senate Bill 1141 (2021, Sen. Rubio), which added coercive control to the California Family Code definition of domestic abuse. This can now form the basis for a restraining order in family court.
If you need someone to talk to, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or TDD 800-787-3224 and online at the National Domestic Violence Hotline website. The hotline is free, available 24/7, and confidential. Staff can help you in numerous languages and direct you to services and/or a local shelter, the location of which is kept confidential. You can also text "START" to 88788.
If you are between the ages of 13-18 and need support services or someone to talk to about teen dating violence, chat live online at the Love Is Respect website, text "loveis" to 22522, or call 866-331-9474 or TDD 866-331-8453. Calls are free and confidential.
Elder Abuse
Older adults are sometimes victimized by strangers, caretakers, or relatives. Any crime should be reported. In an emergency, call or text 911. If you have questions about elder abuse or need help anytime, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, contact the Elder Abuse Hotline at 1-877-477-3646.
Court Support
- For self-help assistance, call 213-830-0845 or visit LA Court's Self Help page.
- For assistance with obtaining a domestic violence restraining order, the LACBA DV Project can assist. Hours are M-Th 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 3 pm; Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome, masks are required. Located at Stanley Mosk Courthouse, 111 N. Hill Street, Second Floor, Room 235, Los Angeles, CA 90012. For more on how to obtain a restraining order, visit LA Court's Family Law page on restraining orders.
- For courthouse information, go to County of L.A. Superior Court.
Resources for Victims of Crime
- City Attorney's Victim Assistance Program.
- For an overview of how the City Attorney's Office supports victims, visit the Domestic Violence FAQ.
- City of Los Angeles Family Justice Center.
- L.A. County Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800- 978-3600
- National Deaf Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-855-812-1001
- StrongHearts Native Helpline (Native Americans and Alaska Natives):1-844-762-8483
- Computer use can be monitored and it is very difficult to completely clear all website footprints. If you are in danger, please use a safe computer that your abuser cannot access directly or remotely.
- Email is not a safe way to talk to someone about the abuse in your life.
- There are hundreds of ways to record everything you do on the computer and sites that you access on the internet.
- If you think your activities are being monitored, they probably are. Use a computer at a public library, a trusted friend's house or a computer lab to access resources and information. Any indication that you're planning on leaving your situation could increase your danger.
- It is not possible to delete or clear all computer information for footprints. Erasing or deleting files and/or history could also alert your abusive partner or ex-partner and possibly increase your danger.
- Spyware can be installed easily on a computer and smart phone and it is hard to detect. Every key stroke, text message, conversation and GPS location can be seen and heard by someone monitoring you.
- The myPlan app is a customized assessment tool that provides resources, support, and safety planning to anyone in an abusive relationship.
- Visit Technology Safety for more tips for online safety.
Shelter and Support Services
1736 Family Crisis Center 213-745-6434, 213-222-1237, 310-370-5902, 310-379-3620 562-388-7652 | The People Concern (Sojourn) 323-334-9000 | Haven Hills, Inc. 818-887-6589 |
Jenesse Center, Inc. 1-800-479-7328 | Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF) | Rainbow Services, Ltd. 310-547-9343 |
Jewish Family Service of L.A. 818-505-0900, 323-681-2626 | SAHARA (South Asian Helpline and Referral Agency) 1-888-724-2722 | Su Casa -Ending Domestic Violence 562-402-4888 |
Women and Children's Crisis Shelter 562-945-3939 | Women Shelter of Long Beach 562-437-4663 | East L.A. Women's Center 800-585-6231 |
Legal Aid
Break the Cycle (for anyone 12 to 24 years old) 424-265-7346 | Community Legal Aid SoCal 800-834-5001 | Legal Aid Foundation of L.A. 800-399-4529 |
LGBTQ Center of Long Beach 562-434-0257 | L.A. LGBT Center 323-993-7649 | L.A. Center for Law and Justice 323-980-3500 |
Neighborhood Legal Services of L.A. 800-433-6251 | Harriet Buhai Center for Family Law 213-388-7515 | Bet Tzedek 323-939-0506 |
Coalition for Economic Survival 213-252-4411 | Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights L.A. 1-888-624-4752, 213-353-1333 | Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California English: 888-349-9695 普通话/广东话: 800-520-2356 한국어: 800-867-3640 Tagalog: 855-300-2552 हिन्दी: 855-971-2552 ภาษาไทย: 800-914-9583 Tiếng Việt: 714-477-2958 |