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2/10/2025: LA Daily News
LA City attorney investigating 900 price-gouging complaints following wildfires

2/5/2025: Mercury News / Bloomberg News
VC-backed startup accused of gouging Los Angeles fire victims on rent

2/4/2025: LA Times
L.A. city attorney alleges mega real estate firm Blueground engaged in price gouging

1/16/2025: Spectrum SoCal News - Inside the Issues
City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto - Response to the Wildfires

1/16/2025: Hollywood Reporter
After Wildfires, Local Prosecutors Crack Down on Price Gouging in Housing Market - L.A. City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto says she’s already evaluating 650 complaints.

1/15/2025: LA Times
Suspected curfew violators in Palisades fire zone prosecuted. City attorney asks for help targeting price gouging

1/15/2025: NPR - All Things Considered
L.A. turns attention to the potential for crime amid fires

12/17/2024: La Opinión
Hydee Feldstein Soto: “Hemos abatido el tráfico sexual de menores”

12/15/2024: NBC4 - NewsConference with Conan Nolan
LA City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto on sanctuary city status, goals for next year

12/15/2024: Fox 11 - In Depth with Hal Eisner (starts at 8:20)
Hate Crimes Report, Fighting Child Sex Trafficking

12/4/2024: LA CityView 35: LA Currents with Maria Hall-Brown
LA City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto Marks Second Year in Office

11/26/2024: Fox 11
City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto joins Fox 11's Elex Michaelson In Studio

9/6/2024: Telemundo 52
Resaltan esfuerzo para combatir el tráfico sexual de menores en el corredor Figueroa

9/6/2024: Los Angeles Wave
Officials unite to fight sex trafficking in South L.A.

9/6/2024: Spectrum News - Inside the Issues
LA City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto discusses the crackdown on human trafficking

9/4/2024: LA Magazine
Feds Announce Multi-Pronged Initiative to Wipe Prostitution from Notorious Figueroa Corridor

9/4/2024: NBC4
‘Ground zero for human trafficking.' Feds, Los Angeles team up to crack down on Figueroa Corridor

8/6/2024: Ms. Magazine
LA City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto on Fighting Child Sex Trafficking—Because Kids’ Rights Are Not for Sale

8/6/2024: Random Lengths News
LA City Attorney Sues Janitorial Contractors, Supermarkets for Alleged Wage Theft

8/2/2024: Univision
Acusan a dos supermercados de Los Ángeles de robo de salario a sus empleados

7/24/2024: LA Times
They built an Airbnb empire in L.A. It was a ‘bait and switch’ scheme, authorities said in a lawsuit

7/11/2024: KNX Radio
L.A. City Attorney targets alleged $4 million illegal short-term rental scheme

6/10/2024: LA Downtown News
Response to Swatting Incident: City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto’s office successfully defends LAPD

5/30/2024: The Planning Report
A One on One with the City Attorney

5/28/2024:  Daily Breeze
LAPD honored the 239 officers who have died in line of duty since 1869

4/24/2024:  LA Sentinel News
Hydee Feldstein Soto – A Public Servant Committed to Enforcing the Law 

4/21/2024:  Fox 11
Supreme Court weighs ban on sleeping outdoors

4/21/2024:  NBC4 - NewsConference with Conan Nolan
SCOTUS decision may impact how LA deals with homeless

4/19/2024:  Telemundo 52
LAPD Honors 1st Latina Deputy Chief Ruby Flores

3/12/2024:  Fox 11 - In Depth with Hal Eisner
LA City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto

3/1/2024:  Spectrum News One
LA City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto reflects on first year on the job

2/7/2024: LA CityView 35 - LA Currents
Interview with Los Angeles City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto

2/2/2024:  LA CityView 35 - LA This Minute
LA This Minute - City Attorney Settlement with H&R Block

1/29/2024:  Univision34 - A Primera Hora with Gabriela Teissier
"Los niños son los más vulnerables." Así puedes ayudar a prevenir el tráfico humano en Los Ángeles

1/29/2024:  LA Times
Did you pay H&R Block for tax help? You may be getting a refund

12/31/2023:  NBC4 - NewsConference with Conan Nolan
LA City Attorney making her mark

12/19/2023:  KBLA - First Things First with Dominique DiPrima
LA City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto Makes It Plain (starts at 32:30)

12/15/2023:  LA CityView 35 - LA This Minute
City Attorney Year In Review

11/15/2023:  NBC4 with Lolita Lopez
City leaders and motel owners work to end prostitution along Figueroa Corridor

11/15/2023:  La Opinión
They join forces to eliminate copper theft epidemic in Los Angeles

11/14/2023:  LA Daily News
LA aims to crack down on copper theft by targeting metal recyclers

11/1/2023:  Larchmont Buzz
City Attorney Launches New Community Law Corps

10/27/2023:  LA CityView 35 - LA This Minute
Measure ULA Court Ruling